Michael Brown's mother says hearing that a grand jury had decided not to indict the officer who killed her son felt like getting shot.
"We heard this and it was just like, like I had been shot. Like you shoot me now -- just no respect, no sympathy, nothing," Lesley McSpadden told CNN's Sunny Hostin on Wednesday. "This could be your child. This could be anybody's child."
A New York Times video captured the moments after McSpadden heard about the decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the white officer who killed her son, Michael Brown, a black teen. She stood with protesters outside the Ferguson police department, sobbing uncontrollably.
McSpadden's husband, her son's stepfather, wrapped her in his arms before turning to the crowd, screaming: "Burn this bitch down."
"He just spoke out of
anger. It's one thing to speak and it's a different thing to act. He did
not act. He just spoke out of anger," McSpadden said about her husband,
Louis Head.
"When you're that hurt
and the system has did you this wrong, you may say some things as well.
We've all spoke out of anger before," she told CNN.
Both McSpadden and Brown's father, Michael Brown Sr., sat down with Hostin. Neither believes Wilson's version of events, saying their son would never have taunted the officer, nor reached for his weapon.
They remembered their son
as humble, silly and soft spoken. He could fix almost anything and
loved animals, his siblings and being a grandson.
"He was different, but he
still was like any other teenager -- wanted to explore different
things, do different things, be around different people," McSpadden
said. "He's young. He's growing up. He's finding himself."
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